Mostrando 1–12 de 14 resultados

Sensor de temepratura LM35

Sensor de temperatura LM35, para calcular la temperatura actual utilice: T (centigrados = 100*vout donde vout es el voltaje analogico de salida.

Sensor humedad de suelo Higrometro

Sensor para medir la humedad de suelo, ideal para hacer prototipos de riego automatico.

Analog Infrared CO2 Sensor For Arduino (0~5000 ppm)

INTRODUCTION The concentration of carbon dioxide (0.03% usuallly) is related to daily life. Recently, there’s a study showing that the

Sensor de polvo optico – Dust sensor GP2Y1010AU0F

 Description GP2Y1010AU0F is a dust sensor by optical sensing system. An infrared emitting diode (IRED) and an phototran- sistor are diagonally

Sensor de gas MQ2

Trabaja con voltaje de 5V, salida analogica de 0 a 5V.

Gravity: Analog Electrical Conductivity Sensor / Meter(K=10)

INTRODUCTION DFRobot Gravity: analog electrical conductivity sensor/meter(K=10) is particularly used to measure the high electrical conductivity liquid, such as seawater,

Weather Meter Kit (Estacion metereologica)

Descripcion: Whether you’re an agriculturalist, a professional meteorologist or a weather hobbyist, building your own weather station can be a