Mostrando 1–12 de 14 resultados

XBee Shield V2 For Arduino

Description: This Bee Shield simplifies the task of interfacing an XBee/WiFiBee/BluetoothBee with your Arduino. This board mates directly with an Arduino

Shield Ethernet Compatible W5100

Shield Ethernet en su versión compatible, por tema de calidad y precio recomendamos el Shield Ethernet de DFRobot  

4 Channel Relay Shield for Arduino

INTRODUCTION This Relay Shield for Arduino acts like a switch. It is commonly used to control anything over 5V such

SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Shield For Arduino

INTRODUCTION SIM808 GPS/GPRS/GSM Arduino Shield is an integrated quad-band GSM/GPRS and GPS navigation technology Arduino shield. A credit card size


Shield GSM GPRS SIM800F, el SIM900 esta descontinuado, este es su reemplazo para un mejor trabajo, aparte son completamente compatibles.

SIM7000E Arduino NB-IoT/LTE/GPRS/GPS Expansion Shield

INTRODUCTION NB-IoT (Narrow Band-Internet of Things) technology is a new IoT technical branch and supports cellular data network connection of low

DFRduino Ethernet Shield V2.1 (Support Mega and Micro SD)

INTRODUCTION The DFRduino Ethernet Shield V2.1 is now released. This version of Ethernet Shield is not only compatible with Mega

SparkFun Weather Shield – Shield para estacion metereologica

Descripcion: The SparkFun Weather Shield is an easy-to-use Arduino shield that grants you access to barometric pressure, relative humidity, luminosity

Dragino Yun Shield

PRODUCT DETAILS Dragino Yun Shield is one of the most powerful shields for Arduino Board. Dragino Yun Shield is designed

SparkFun Music Instrument Shield

Descripcion: Do you ever wish your Arduino was more musically talented? Or maybe your project could use some cool sound

SparkFun XBee Shield

Descripcion: XBee radios are an awesome way to add wireless capability to your Arduino project and now it’s even easier