Antena 2.4Ghz para XBee S2C o XBee3 RPSMA 3dBi
Antena de 3dBi para los XBee RPSMA de 2.4Ghz, de los productos que tenemos esta antena es compatible con:
- XBee Pro S2C RPSMA
- XBee S3 Pro RPSMA
Antena 900Mhz para XBee S3B RPSMA 3dBi
Description: 900MHz Duck Antenna 3dBi with regular RP-SMA RF connector. Perfect for use with the XBee 900MHz units. 50 ohm impedance. 200mm long.
The FCC is moving towards Part 15 compliance. All this means is that all the SMA RF connectors are changing gender. Really annoying for those of us who need to mate an antenna to an RF device. The FCC gender change was instituted to prevent home users from damaging RF equipment (think home WiFi) when screwing on an antenna. If all antennas are female, there is no way to damage the center connector. However, you have to be very sure now what kind of SMA connector you need.
XBee Regulated
XBe regulated, esta tarjeta es similar a la tarjeta XBee(con pines 2mm soldados) para conectarlo al protoboard (necesita adicionalmente ponerle los pines macho para el protboard), adicionalmente tiene las salidas de 5V, GND para energizarse y lo convierte a 3.3V para energizar el Xbee, y tambien tiene los pines Rx,Tx tambien convertido de 5V a 3.3V, con esto facilita su conexion a un microcontrolador como Arduino o PIC, donde puede alimentarse con 5V y conectarse directamente al Serial de ellos, dado que ya tiene el conversor.
Nota: Solo el Tx,Rx que tiene salidas especiales tiene la conversion, si usa los otros pines estos estaran a 3.3V
XBee USB Adapter con cable (Calidad)
Xbee USB Adapter con cable miniUSB, este adaptador permite configurar el XBee en el software XCTU para su funcionamiento.
- Used for the XBee module configuration parameters
- Easily connected to a PC via mini USB cable
- XBee-setting support software X-CTU
- Also used as a USB-TTL adapter
- Voltage: +5V(USB Power)
XBee-PRO 900HP S3B con antena
XBee Explorer USB (Calidad Sparkfun)
XBee S2C
Modulo XBee S2C con antena incorporada, modulo ideal para hacer prototipos y pruebas, aquí sus principales características comparándolo con el XBee3
- Out-of-the-box RF communications, no configuration needed
- Point-to-multipoint network topology
- 2.4GHz for worldwide deployment
- Common XBee footprint for a variety of RF modules
- Industry leading sleep current of sub 1uA
- Firmware upgrades via UART, SPI or over the air
- Migratable to DigiMesh and ZigBee PRO protocols
- Transceiver chipset: Silicon Labs EM357 SoC
- Data Rate RF: 250Kbps, serial up to 1Mbps
- Indoor/urban range: 200-ft. (60m) 300-ft. (90m)
- Outdoor/RF line-of-sight range: 4000-ft. (1200m) 2 miles (3200m)
- Transmit power: 3.1mW (+5dBm)/6.3mW (+8dBm) boost mode 63mW (+18dBm)
- Receiver sensitivity: (1% PER) -100dBm/-102dBm boost mode -101dBm
- Serial Data Interface: UART, SPI
- Configuration Method: API or AT commands, local or over-the-air (OTA)
- Frequency Band: ISM 2.4GHz
- Form factor: through-hole, surface mount
- Hardware: S2C
- ADC inputs: (4) 10-bit ADC inputs
- Digital I/O: 15